Research and Development Initiatives (RADI) Profile

About RADI

The Research and Development Initiatives (RADI) is a private innovative Non-governmental research and development-oriented and policy studies initiative founded by a group of Somali professionals, scholars and experts with wealthy relevant qualifications and experience in multi-disciplinary fields particularly in conflict, statebuilidng, geopolitics, governance as well as terrorism and counterterrorism in Somalia and Horn of Africa.

RADI was established on December 2019 with its head offices located in Mogadishu - Somalia and Hargeisa – Somaliland. RADI works in partnership with governments, UN, non-profit organizations and corporations to innovate solutions and facilitate the adoption of best practices for rapid and effective decision-making and in post conflict and recovery developments in Somalia. RADI is committed to provide policy advisory and research oriented consultancy services in multidisciplinary areas and third party monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian, post-conflict recovery, reconstruction and development projects sponsored and/or implemented by international and local humanitarian and development actors. RADI provides effective studies, Analysis and policy recommendations for international and local policymakers, researchers, media as well as target populations. RADI’s studies, researches and policy recommendations do not subscribe to any particular political view or interest groups.

RADI aims to work in partnership with diverse International partners including governments, UN, non-profit organizations, donors, research institutions, academics and corporations to innovate solutions and facilitate the adoption of best practices for sustainable peace and security, antiterrorism - related fields as well as rapid effective Humanitarian response and recovery to communities in conflict and post conflict countries. RADI is politically neutral and has no connections to commercial interests or pressure groups. Our income is derived from a variety of sources from diverse interested partner stakeholders.

RADI provides policy advisory and research-oriented consultancy services in multidisciplinary areas and third-party monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian, post-conflict recovery, reconstruction and development projects delivered by international and local humanitarian and development actors.

Our Institute rely on support from foundations, corporations, governments and individuals for specific projects and its general operating budget under the understanding that such funding does not affect research findings.

RADI is committed to delivering insightful, high-quality researches for our funders, users and wider society. We generate research outputs collaboratively that meet the practical needs of policymakers. We aim to deliver results and outputs that are high quality, relevant, applicable to enrich the value of our areas of work and expertise through the provision, dissemination and promotion of quality, evidence-based researches and studies. Our interdisciplinary team applies a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods and designs to produce research effective research outputs to inform effective client decision-making processes.

Our research initiative works collaborates with other research centers including international network of researchers, centres and individual researchers from all corners of the world, also hosts guest researchers and interns on issues related to our multi-disciplinary research agendas and programmes.

Our Work and Expertise

Our area expertise include:

o Peace, Security and statebuilidng

o Political and Geo-politics analysis;

o Policy advisory and research-oriented consultancy services;

o Counterterrorism and Piracy;

o Conflict mapping and Analysis

o Third Party Monitoring and Evaluation

o Poverty reduction and sustainable development

o Human Rights and protection;

o Gender affairs and Women empowerment;

o Humanitarian and development issues;

o Institutional development and Capacity building

o Anti-corruption

o Regional Geopolitics

o Knowledge Management

Our Vision

RADI envisages to become the leading peace and development research institute and centre of excellence for quality research in Horn of Africa region towards sustained peace, development, economic and social transformation by providing substantive analytical inputs to inform policy and decision-making processes on contemporary issues through quality and evidence-based researches, studies and knowledge management sharing.

Our Mission

o A center of innovative research on peace, security, conflict and development related fields of studies that generates new ideas that construct knowledge, alliance, dynamic policy environment and institutional capacity advancement in effective client decision-making processes.

o Provide political and policy analysis, policy advisory and consultancy services and recommendations;

o Facilitate dialogue and build institutional capacities;

o Increase innovation through development of new approaches applicable to peace, security…

o Contribute advancement of knowledge to favor the promotion of sustained peace and quality of life.

Our Core Values

o Neutral and Non-partisan

o Innovative

o Integrity and reliability

o Excellence in performance

o Effective teamwork and knowledge sharing

o Respect for diversity, impartiality and religious differences

o Pioneer transparency and accountability;


o Carry out evidence oriented research and studies on contemporary issues of conflict, post-conflict recovery and developments in the horn of Africa and with special focus on Somalia.

o Contribute to regional debates, discussion and thinking on peace, security statebuilidng, governance and regional geopolitical affairs in the Horn of Africa.

o Devise and Carry out thematic research projects on including but not limited to Peace, Security, governance, terrorism as well as regional geopolitical affairs.

o Establish networking and relationship with research oriented centers, scholars and academic institution in the region to contribute knowledge sharing and resource sharing for advanced understanding of regional contemporary issues of studies.

o Seek partnership with International and local think-tanks and donor organizations to generate support for our research works.

o Host International and local scholars, researchers and subject matter experts to enhance the quality of our research work and build our institutional capacity and access to contemporary practices of research and studies.

Governance System of RADI

The organizational governance structure of RADI comprises of General Assembly (GA), Board of Directors (BoD), Executive Board (EB) of three main departmental Heads led by a Senior Executive Director (ED). The RADI’s Departmental Heads are “Administration and Finance Director, Programmes Director overseas the research and studies work led by RADI’s Research Programmes Manager” together with specialized units run by senior research professionals and executive project and programe officers with relevant qualifications and expertise

General Assembly (GA):

The General Assembly (GA) meeting is the highest authority of RADI and is held in every 5 years with its overall objectives aimed to review and evaluate the overall progress, achievements, shortfalls, challenges and draw the strategic way forward directives of the Organization. The GA also selects the Governing Board of Directors (BoD) members (Top leadership) of Organization in every five years.

The Governing Board of Directors (BoD):

The RADI’s Governing Board of Directors of seven (7) members including a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer and three ordinary Board members whom are selected for a period of 5-years to office by the General Assembly meeting.

The Governing Board takes decisions on all important matters concerning RADI's policies, strategic development and business agenda, approval of the Organization’s annual Budget, reviewing annual progress/ achievements of the executive management etc. The Board of Directors also appoints the Executive Director and top senior management officers of the Organization.

The Board of Directors meets in Semi-annually and annual basis. The quorum of the BOD meeting is 2/3 of the Board members (at least 5 members) and reaches their decisions in simple majority votes. The BOD shall have their own internal Code of Conduct which clearly defines the functions, roles and responsibilities as well as their internal procedures to run their obligations accordingly.

The Executive Board (EB)

The Executive Board composes of members of the top management officials of the Organization including the Executive Director, a Deputy Director, Departmental Heads “Directors”, Heads of Units, Project managers, senior research staff and executive officers - support staff of different specializations with required relevant qualifications and experience. For details, see the Organogram annexed here.

According to the Organogram of RADI, composes three main departments “Administration and Finance Director, Research Programmes Director and Programmes Director who coordinates the different project managers of RADI’s programmes. Each department have its own functions, duties and responsibilities. The Executive Director (ED) is the head of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall have their own periodic meetings and meets on monthly basis to discuss and share their views on all strategic business matters, plans and agenda of the organization’s operational plans, programmes, progresses, developments, reports, challenges, budgetary matters as well as other strategic issues etc. from time to time.

The Executive Director (ED):

The Executive Director (ED) is the head of the Executive Board and reports to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director is responsible for the overall leadership, management, coordination, control and reporting of the day-to-day operational activities’ implementation towards the achievement of target organizational plans. Among his/her other responsibilities, the Executive Director has the sole responsibilities for signing partnership agreements (MoUs) with donors or funding partners, overall management and control of financial resources (Funds), approval of payments as well as signing payment cheques etc.

The Programmes Director

The RADI’s Programmes Director advices and directly reports to the Executive Director (ED) on all matters regarding operational plans, progresses, business of the different programmes/Projects portfolio of the Organization. The Programmes Director coordinates proper planning, formulation, implementation of operational plans, monitoring and evaluation as well as reporting of the different projects of the Organization. He/she closely coordinates with project managers, technical staff and experts of the respective programme department and its Units. He/she closely coordinates with the other departmental Directors of the Organization.

The Research Manager

It is a worth mentioned that RADI offers a unique platform for researchers from different corners of the world to work in close cooperation on projects. The researchers are recruited for a specific period from different geographical regions and represent various academic disciplines.

The Research Programmes Director coordinates the works of the different Units of the research departments including “Research Committee (RC), Senior Research Specialists (SRSs), Research programmes (RPs), Research Associates/Assistants and also responsible for maintaining RADI’s Research Roster and Data Base”. The Research Programmes Director directly reports to the Executive Director (ED) on all matters regarding operational plans, progresses, business of the research department and its Units. He/she closely coordinates with the other departmental Directors of the Organization.

The Administration and Finance Manager

The Administration and Finance manager advices and directly reports to the Executive Director (ED) on all matters related to overall financial management and reports, accounting, administration and Logistics, custody of organizational assets, Human Resource matters and Units of his/her department.

The Administration and Finance Director among his/her other responsibilities, is responsible for preparing annual budgets of the Organization, preparing annual financial reports/statements, managing financial resources, authorization, verifications of expenditure payments, co-signing payment vouchers and Cheques, reporting of financial matters, ensuring high-transparency and accountability of financial management as well as organizational assets in accordance to the policies and procedures of the organization.